Max! thermostat with raspberry and arduino
My central heating is being controlled by my raspberry/Pimatic for some time now and I must say it has been running nicely but it has one flaw…
The thermostat is in my living room so the radiators are fully opened and a DS18b20 records the temperature, but the rooms upstairs have to be set manually.
In a perfect world you would set this one time but I have kids and when it’s cold you set the radiator to thermonuclear war and then forget about it….
Behold.. the solution…
It works on 868 Mhz and is controlled by a Cube, but it can also be controlled by a CUL, a simple instruction can be found here: and the plugin for Pimatic.
I used this repo for the arduino because it doesn’t have the LOVF “problem”.
The code is made for Arduino, porting it to ESP is for later.
I adapted a Arduino nano case from Thingiverse, download it here.
With these I can control the radiators upstairs, There is a sensor on the windows and a temperature sensor in every room.
One thing left to do is to detect if someone is present.