Max! thermostat with raspberry and arduino

Max! thermostat with raspberry and arduino

My central heating is being controlled by my raspberry/Pimatic for some time now and I must say it has been running nicely but it has one flaw…
The thermostat is in my living room so the radiators are fully opened and a DS18b20 records the temperature, but the rooms upstairs have to be set manually.
In a perfect world you would set this one time but I have kids and when it’s cold you set the radiator to thermonuclear war and then forget about it….

Behold.. the solution…

Max1 thermostat raspberry
It works on 868 Mhz and is controlled by a Cube, but it can also be controlled by a CUL, a simple instruction can be found here: and the plugin for Pimatic.
I used this repo for the arduino because it doesn’t have the LOVF “problem”.

The code is made for Arduino, porting it to ESP is for later.
I adapted a Arduino nano case from Thingiverse, download it here.
Arduino cc1101 max!

With these I can control the radiators upstairs, There is a sensor on the windows and a temperature sensor in every room.
One thing left to do is to detect if someone is present.

max thermostat pimatic


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